Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney


Writing a Will gives you peace of mind and ensures your property and possessions are left to the right people after you’ve gone. Instructing Margraves Solicitors to draft your Will reduces the considerable risks that arise when individuals try to draft their own documents, which when tested turns out to be flawed or invalid.

Our fees are very reasonable. We will agree the cost of drafting your will with you in advance. Don’t leave leaving your estate to chance – take our expert advice.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA’s)

Preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for Health and Welfare and/or Property and Financial Affairs means that your chosen attorney’s can manage your affairs during your lifetime, should you unexpectedly loose capacity for any reason.

Signing an LPA is a tried and tested method of ensuring that your best interests are looked after if you’re unable to do so at any stage in your life.

We’d be pleased to tell you about the further benefits of an LPA if you call our office today on 01597 825 565.

For more information about Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney contact the team Contact